October 1, 2012

How Busy are We?

Image Courtesy: Ten.a.city

                                                                                                                   According to, Dr. Donald E. Wetmore
40% of working people skip breakfast.
39% skip lunch.
Of those who take a lunch break, 50% allow only 15 minutes or less.

While the above survey indicates that 2 out of 3 people around us are always in a hurry; the facts below shows the other side of the story:

In Escape Magazine, April 2000, says Each Week an average American spends:
751 minutes behind slow moving cars and stuck in traffic jams,
727 minutes waiting for dates and business associates show up for meetings,
724 minutes standing in line to make purchases, 
723 minutes on hold, waiting for someone to pick up the phone.

Betty Lin-Fisher (for Knight Ridder Newspapers, Houston Chronicle, 2/27/2006) found that, the office distractions ate up 2.1 hours a day for the average worker.
Employees devote an average of 11 minutes to a project before being distracted.
Once interrupted, it takes workers 25 minutes to return to the original task, if they return at all. People switch activities, such as making a call, speaking with someone in their cubicle or working on a document, every three minutes on average, Mark said.

What does this mean? Everyone of us is given 86,400 seconds a day. It is the same amount of time that was given to Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg or Norman Foster. If they could find time to create, innovate, enjoy, discover, administer, manage and market their ideas; why not you?

Time management is not only about keeping a diary to record your ‘to-do’ lists. Time management is a very important business skill. It is about creating maximum value for your business out of the hours spent in a day. It is about using the chance and opportunities that each second brings with it, to your benefit. It is about attending your child’s annual school function without loosing any important client at work.

Time management is about doing activities effectively for accomplishing one or many goals on a given deadline.  Managing your time  means managing the activities that you are required to do according to the allocated time. This enhances the work flow, controls work pressure, reduces stress and gives job satisfaction. And one of the greatest joys of proper time management is the knowledge that things in your life are in order!  

As the Chinese philosopher, Lin Yutang describes,
“The busy man is never wise and the wise man is never busy.”

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