October 25, 2010

Architecture and Technology

Image Courtesy: Tim Hunkin
“Never before in history has innovation offered promise of so much to so many in so short a time” - quotes Bill Gates

Last couple of decades, is by-far the most remarkable era in the history of Architecture! The new, state-of-the-art Technology served as a springboard for huge advancements in the field of Architecture, generating new opportunities that helped Architects build capability to deliver high quality and cost effective solutions quickly. Architects were able to leapfrog, by re-defining their work using Information Technology and by introducing innovative construction techniques and new materials. 

I believe that there have been three most important technological innovations in last few decades in the field of architecture:

1. Building Information Modelling Software for designing
2. Internet to extract information and research
3. Construction Technologies to give quality, economy and speed

If we go back into the history, we can observe that throughout the 19th century, architecture was concerned only for monumental projects to glorify the giant civic structures. Thus, its scope of development was limited. Although, all changed with the dawn of the 20th century. Industrial revolution bonded man with the machine. Architecture was viewed with a modern outlook. The designing and construction processes were brought to the people with more efficiency. The rise of 21st century changed the face of architecture by the invention of the Internet and IT systems.

Thus, ‘Technology’ can be called as a reflection of a new inspiration for humanity - one that links man with mechanization and efficiency.

In the next few blogs, I would like to share my views on the impact of Technology in the field of Architecture. You can also share your views by leaving a comment here. We hope to hear from you soon.

Interesting Video By: ROBERT A. M. STERN: Dean, Yale School of Architecture

Next Blog:  Building Information Modeling Software for Designing

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