June 8, 2012


“How much profit my small design firm shall expect initially?” 
“How much fee should I charge without losing the client in a cut-throat competition?” “Which pricing structure is right for my firm?” 

      Image Copyrights: Bansri Pandey
These are some of the common dilemmas of the start-up design firms. As design continuously evolves during the project Lifecycle, it heavily impacts the overall project cost and timeline. This is one of the reasons why most clients are also unsure of how much a designer is going to cost them at the end. Thus, clients like to make a safe choice by selecting more experienced designers in comparison to the new start-up companies. This may sound like a bad news for young firms, but I consider this as an opportunity. Young companies are more flexible and have a chance to offer more innovative work-packages and pricing structures that can indeed benefit the client. And it is up to your marketing campaign to get this message heard. 

Pricing structures are subjective and there is no right or wrong method to choose from. Apart from the pricing models that are used locally in your region, your firm may benefit from introducing some of the following models that I consider beneficial to small design firms: 

1: The art of “Free” services: 

When something loses its price, it also loses its value.
Thus, giving your services for free is not an ideal situation where you end up doing the hard work without any payments. But don’t you feel excited when you a get a high-tech speaker free with a purchase of your new laptop? Free ‘goodies’ and ‘add-ons’ have always been very popular marketing tool for selling products. But can it be applied to architectural or design services?

Design some add-on services for your client such as basic 3D renderings, co-ordination with other consultants, assistance in managing contract documents, etc., which does not take too much effort for your firm but is a of great value to your client. 

Providing free services for community work, professional associations, charitable groups; is not only a way to earn good reputation, but also a way to earn new contacts and build your professional network for future potential projects. 

2: Packaging: 

‘If you have a hammer, every problem is a nail.” – Abraham Maslow 
Having a larger toolkit is a way to see every problem with a new solution. Every project is unique and so its need for your services. There are more than 100 possibilities of services an architect may offer. 

Create innovative combinations of the services that you offer and package them together to customize it for your client. This will not only make you more competitive, but also attractive to a larger market base. Especially in difficult economic conditions, breaking down your services into parts and customizing the needs of a project, is an effective way to win over other competitors. 

3: Fee as per the degree of ‘difficulty’:

Most architects like to charge their fee as a fixed percentage of a project costs. But is designing a residential building different from designing a hospital building? Does it take equal efforts? 
Of course not. Projects differ in their scope and required design inputs.

HOAI (Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure) is a regulation for architecture and engineering services in Germany. It suggests five different fee bands for the projects with different degree of difficulty. Fee Band I is for projects such as parking garage and temporary structures which have a very low degree of design efforts. Fee Band V is for projects such as museums, libraries and other landmark buildings which have a very high degree of design efforts. Different Fee Bands are charged with different amount of fees.

For Example, 

If a 100,000€ project is under Fee Band I, as per HOAI, architects can charge fees between 8500€ to 10,200€. But if a 100,000€ project is under Fee Band V, he/she can charge fees between 18,000€ to 19,700€. This can also be a very 
effective method to convince your client to justify the design 
efforts and its value. This pricing model can also be applied not only in Germany, but also in other countries as a reference to  Image Courtesy: www.freedigitalphotos.net     formulate your own fee structures. 

4: Barter: 
This model is getting acceptable in recent times with architects working for real estate developers. Architectural firms choose to buy a property equivalent to their project fee in the developer’s project. This is a win-win situation for both parties as the developer doesn’t have to part with cash and architect is sure of receiving the full fee at the end of the project. 

5: Lump sum: 

This is widely accepted and very popular method. The firm charges a fixed fee as agreed on the contract irrespective of the project cost. This method eliminates the disputes arising from design changes. In such a contract condition, an architectural firm is advised to calculate their fees after including the risks involved with the changes in project scope or delay in time due to circumstances. 

The above are just a few examples of some new ways to use ‘Pricing’ as your ‘Marketing’ tool to win new projects and stay ahead of your competitors. With time, these models will also keep changing; but it is important that you always innovate in how you represent your pricing structure and stay competitive without crossing your expenses.

[2] Scale of charges set by Council of Architecture, India.

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