June 25, 2012

“Identity” based Marketing tools

Here, I would like to share with you the 7 Frequently used, but often neglected 'Identity' based Marketing tools which are useful for an Architectural/design Firm:

                                                                   Image Courtesy: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/   
1. Creating an Identity: 
Who are you? How do you put that on paper? 
Despite wide use of internet media and email correspondence, professionally designed, printed stationery packages are essential to creating a good first impression. The role of a visiting card, letterhead and related items is to express an individuality, beyond the actual language used in the message. 

2. Signature Message: 
A signature is a short message that you create as a standard attachment at the end of your e-mail. This is one of the small but effective marketing tools that you can use at no extra price. The signature message makes it easy for your potential clients to find you as they do not have to search for your business card or look for you in the directories to be able to contact you. Apart from your contact numbers, you can also include your favourite quote, company motto, or a short personal statement. 

For Example,
Default Email version:
Kiran Gandhi | Architect | 
Urban development Group | ‘We Build for Better Living’ 
555-555-5555 | managearchitecture@gmail.com | http://www.managearchitecture.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/twittername | LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/linkedinname 

Forums or Discussion Lists:
Kiran Gandhi 

More References: 
[1] E-Article: 20 Tips to create an effective email signature 
3. Crafting a Website: 
“Almost overnight, the Internet's gone from a technical wonder to a business must.” 
– Bill Schrader, Businessman 

Your website’s users will have to “live” inside your website for a period of time. Because of this, more or less real-world architectural principles apply to the website planning. A sense of context and “place” helps users get what they’re attending for. Careful content planning is an all important step.
You can create your own high quality visuals/ film/ animation etc. to support your ideas. You can also digitize all your existing documents, photographs, drawings, reference material, etc. to accommodate in your communication. You can attach no. of references via URL, links, etc. without making content lengthy and tedious. 

To start with, it is possible to make your own free web page offered by many programs such as Google /Joomla/Wix. Your web site confirms your establishment, qualifications, executed work, mission and vision at a first glance. You can also link your web page with the web page of your existing customers, associates, advisers and vendors. Ask for your satisfied customers to put up their testimonials on your website to gain confidence of the other clients. Although, it is not proper to expect that job will start pouring because your site is rich in substance. A web site is simply a puppet to create consciousness about your attitude in the market allowing instant information to your potential customers. 

More References: 
[1] E-Article: 40 inspirational architects' websites showcased 
[2] An interesting collection of websites for architects - designed by Spliteye Multimedia: Here 
[3] E-Article: Tips for an Architect’s website 
[4] E-Article: Starting Out Organized: Website Content Planning The Right Way 
4. Slideshow / Videos: 
In today’s world of media, most young architects and designers know the art of creating interesting presentations and videos. Apply these skills to advertise yourself and your society. People understand and remember what they see, better than what they read. 2 minute video about your company will have more effect than 2 pages long text. 

Creating interesting videos on the subject of your expertise and sharing it free using internet platforms, is a great way to capture attention and establish a reputation as an expert. 

More References: 
[1] E-Article: How to use video to market your business 
5. Blog / Discussion Forums: 
If you wish to share your thoughts, beliefs and style with global audience; then a blog is the right marketing tool for you. The blog may not bring any direct work/projects, but it will slowly create a reputation in your field. You never know how fruits of your consistent work will earn you a pleasant surprise. Of course, it needs lots of patience, consistency and creativity to be able to get all the benefits of blogging. 

More Reference: 
[1] E-Article: Top ten tips for beginner bloggers 
[2] E-Article: Top 100 architecture blogs 
[3] E-Article: 7 ways to use a blog to promote your business 
6. Keep in touch:

A newsletter with interesting information is a adept way to remain in contact with your existing and potential customers, suppliers, well-wishers and associates. The well designed newsletter should have new articles, feature articles, editorial column, award /success stories, interaction with clients/testimonials or some quiz/jokes related to your topic. You can select how often you mail out newsletters, but be aware of sending too many or too few. You have to get the timing just right. That means your clients will look forward to having their newsletters or e-mails.

Isn’t it a nice idea to remember your client on festivals, birthdays and marriage anniversaries? 
Sending greeting cards and gifts is also a method used by many companies to stay in touch with their professional circle. Try to maintain a diary of events that includes not only festivals, but also the birthdays and anniversaries of your clients, suppliers, associates and other people that you have known through your profession. Giving a personal touch to the professional relationship increases the trust and reliability of your company. 

Shouldn’t we thank the people who directly and indirectly contribute to our daily life? 
In the era of communication advancement, it’s not difficult to reach out to people and thank them on time. It's all just a quick click away. Have you noticed how much a hand written thank you note makes a difference to your relationship with the person? Try to send as many hand written thank you notes as you can. Trust me; it doesn’t require much of your time now, but creates wonders for you afterwards. 

More References: 
[1] E-Article: How to write an E-Newsletter 
[2] E-Article: 10 ways of marketing and promoting email newsletters 
[3] E-Article: How to promote your graphic design business 
[4] E-Article: Greeting Cards as marketing tool 
[5] E-Article: Thank you note: Simple, but Powerful marketing tool 
7. Participation in Events: 
Participating in exhibitions, conferences and events will allow direct interaction with people from your field. Voluntary services, cultural shows, educational fairs, award ceremonies, sports events are a few other types of events which you may like to attend. Sponsoring activities organized by architecture students is one way to gather attention of institutes. Students will also be your spokespersons. Try not to miss the events of your professional friends such as the opening of an office, shifting of location, completion of a project, etc. 

Be present where your business group is. Be visible. 

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