February 5, 2012

Scope and Opportunities of Architectural Management

The architect can offer many services. But how many clients are aware of the fact that architects can offer services which will really benefit them?...
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1 -  What is the benefit of learning Architectural Management?
       The architect can offer many services, More than just  designing beautiful spaces
       But how many clients are aware of the fact that architects can offer services which will       really benefit them?...

What do you think is the biggest complaint of Architects?
Not enough payment from clients compared to the services provided. 

And, what is the biggest complaint of Clients?
Delayed Services from the architects and not enough input in the projects to justify the fees demanded. 

Why? What is the reason for this conflict?
Is it lack of Awareness? Is it lack of Communication?
Is it because of lack of commitment or knowledge short fall from architect?
Or is it lack of Management?

Can Architectural Management play a role to minimize this conflict?
Where are the opportunities? Let’s Examine…

Who appoints an Architect?

In the past, either they were mainly people with a lot of money, who can afford to appoint an architect for designing their homes & offices OR they were government organizations who appointed architects for designing civic buildings or monuments. 
But now, with more awareness, there are more individuals who want the services of an architect such as:

  • ·        Govt. Organizations
  • ·        Corporate Companies
  • ·        Institutes
  • ·        Real Estate Developers
  • ·        N.G.O.s (Non-Government Organizations / Charitable organizations)
  • ·        Individual home owners
  • ·        Many others.
What services does Architect offer?   
Generally, most architect offer following service in a building project:
  • Project inception
  • Project Assessment
  • Design Development
  • Approval from Authorities
  • Award of construction contract
  • Substantial performance of construction/ Occupancy permit
  •  Post Construction consultancy
 But as the construction process is getting more complex, architect no longer works in isolation. Instead, the architecture is now a team work involving many 
other consultants and experts. The scope of services has become more extensive. The list below shows some of these additional services, an architect is required to offer:

With time, the architect’s job will become multifaceted. Designing will be just a small aspect of his/her responsibility. In future, architect will be required to offer many more services as under:
 But as the construction process is getting more complex, architect no longer works in isolation. Instead, the architecture is now a team work involving many 

  • Do you think the architect and his team can handle all these services without good MISMANAGEMENT?
  • But are all architects good managers? Well, you will probably argue that architects can hire a good manager for his job, can't they?
  • Simply do all managers have full knowledge in architecture field?
  •  Can they perform to their best in a technical field such as building and construction?

This is where the GAP is...
This is where the opportunity is...

This is where an Architectural Manager is needed...

will be continued  about skills required  and opportunities ahead in near future...



1-       AIA-THE ARHCITECT’S HANDBOOK OF PROFESIONAL PRACTICE –student edition- Thirteenth Edition. Publisher- John Wiley & Sons,INC.
3-       AIA- Career Options for Architects – EMPLOYMENT CHOCES IN THE MARKET PLACE. Edited by Chuck First,AIA –corporate Architects Group.,2003
4:     Checklist: scope of services- South African Institute of Architects.-
       available at  http://www.sacapsa.com/sacap/view/sacap/en/page101 [Accessed 18 January 2012]

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