April 25, 2011

Team + Work = Teamwork

“Coming together is a beginning,
Keeping together is progress,
Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

Joint venture, alliance, synergy, group, etc. are some interesting buzz words that are being hackneyed these days. In a world that is accelerating exponentially in terms of information-base, riding high on competence and operational efficiency, working “individually” is no longer a feasible option. Architecture is a field of not just one, but multiple specializations; it is a fused platform that brings experts from various specializations such as Design, Consulting, Manufacturing, Supply etc. to work collaboratively to create worlds’ stupefying architectural marvels as well as everyday architecture. 

Teamwork is the key to success!
Teamwork is all about working synergistically with a set of people sharing a common goal. Few key people skills that form the ingredients for successful teamwork are:
• Understanding yourself and moderating your responses
• Communicating effectively and empathizing accurately
• Building relationships of trust, respect and productive interactions

Here are few powerful tips to speak-up team-spirit in your workplace.

• Say NO to “Do- It-All-Yourself”

In any project, the Architect is asked to do multiple things like Design, Drawings, Supervision, Coordination with consultants, etc. These tasks require a broad spectrum of skill-sets and capacity to handle a bunch of diverse, high-volume tasks. It is practically impossible for one individual to withstand such volumes of work, while ensuring to operate optimally and delivering consistently. And even if one could, it would cost a huge compromise on other strategic focus areas. So, say no to “Do-It-All-Yourself”. Engage your team members where needed; create opportunities for your team members to actively participate in the whole effort and energize them to put their best foot forward. This not only gives people more opportunities to excel, it also multiplies your time and lets you focus on what you enjoy doing the most.

• Infuse a strong sense of belonging and achievement

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities” - Stephen Covey
Every one of us is known by our connection with family, friends, relatives, social circle, business acquaintances, etc. Each one of us is unique; each of us has our own set of strengths and weaknesses. A team is built by people, each come with their own set of capabilities and limitations. A successful team effectively utilizes the capabilities of each team member in the most optimal way, thereby making their individual limitations innocuous. It is the responsibility of the Leader, to build a team, align people to share a common goal, energize them and most importantly, ensure that every team member feels proud of being part of the team. 

• Believe in “Many roads lead to Rome”

Typically in every start-up firm, an Architect does a wide range of work, starting from housekeeping to being the CEO. As the firm grows, assigning responsibilities to the right individuals or teams becomes the key to success. As the firm continues to scale up, teams are expanded to build more capacity. All teams across-the-board must operate efficiently to deliver projects successfully. Many roads lead to Rome. The same is true with people. Many people lead to a firm’s success.

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