September 16, 2010

7 Effective Recruitment Techniques for Architects

“In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words: 
people, product and profits. 
Unless you've got a good team, you can't do much with the other two.” Says Lee Iacocca 

Employees are one of the firm’s greatest assets. They reflect a firm’s image, personality and level of service. In management terms, it’s called as 'HRM – Human Resource Management' which is defined as the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. For an Architectural firm, whether it is a big or small, the importance of HRM is indisputable. 

To recruit the right candidate for a right job, following are the 7 key techniques to be considered during the recruitment process in an architect's office:

1. Why do we need a new Employee? Describe the Job Clearly.

You and your team shall sit together and ask following questions before deciding whether you really need a new employee. 
  • Do we really need a new candidate or it can be incorporated into somebody else’s job?
  • Do we need a part time employee, or a full time?
  • Can we outsource the work altogether?
  • Is the purpose of the job clearly and unambiguously expressed?
  • Can the individual make full use of their skills and develop their skill base in the new job?
  • Are colleagues available with whom the candidate can discuss professional issues?
  • Can the results of the candidate’s efforts be recognized and appreciated?
  • Are rewards linked directly with the performance of the candidate?
  • How effective and beneficial will be the recruitment of this candidate to the organization?
2. Attracting the right candidate 

Candidates are generally attracted via press advertisements, radio and television advertisement, fliers, brochures, recruitment fairs, people's references, vehicle displays, poster displays on notice boards in colleges and institutions. 
  • Are your requirements clearly defined in your advertisement / communication media?
  • Architects are a creative breed of people. Does your advertisement reflect the creativity of your firm?
  • Are the opportunities and scope for growth communicated to the prospective candidate?
3. Screening Applications

Screening the applications is one of the most important task of the recruitment process. All applicants may not perfectly fit into the job's given requirements. But that does not discard their abilities to perform and be suitable for the job. You shall consider following while screening the applications:

  • During the first round of screening, set minimum parameters for applicant's eligibility for the job. Do not expect the perfection. 
  • Pre-screen the candidates by telephonic interview or through email. This saves the organization's time. You can screen applicants with higher salary expectations as well as judge their confidence level.
  • Do not be fooled by the list of certificates / credits. Check the ability of the candidate to perform by taking a practical test or by interviewing. 
  • Even if the candidate is good for the suitable job, consider his flexibility and ability to merge into your firm's work-culture.
  • Check at least two references of the candidate before the final round of screening. 
More Effective Techniques for Recruitment are coming into the Next blog...
So meanwhile, keep reading and say yes to Architectural Management!

Further Reading: Handbook of successful recruitment and selection by Margaret Dale
Video watch on recruitment Click Here

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